Hi there!
Here in California, the cherries are crimson sweet, Disneyland is making magic for families once more, and I’ve gotten to reunite with a few friends and tell them in person how much I’ve missed them.
Over the past month, our team has been growing in size, which has me thinking about recruiting, early product development, and why we do what we do.
What should be next in my topic queue? I’d love to hear from you.
The Designer’s Underrated Superpower
Comfort with ambiguity + trust in the process = critical for innovation

My Favorite Interview Questions
45 minutes is never going to make you an expert on someone’s abilities, but better questions can give you more insight into whether their values fit with yours.

A 15% Better Product Is Probably Going to Lose
A lesson I learned the hard way — from working on many ‘better’ products that failed.

Which Game Are You Playing?
Where I stretch a metaphor reeeeal far because I am nostalgic for the video games I used to play. But seriously, don’t compare yourself to others. They’re probably playing a different game.
